The musical The Producers is hilarious. I highly recommend it. There is a great line in it where Ulla, the Swedish blonde (longer on looks than on common sense), dances for Max and Leo (the producers). Who watch her, agog. She then says, "Remember how Ulla dance? Ulla dance again." Meanwhile Max and Leo continue to stare. Fun fact: in the movie version starring Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick, the role of Ulla is played by Uma Thurman.
What does this have to do with Fall Out Boy? Well, I'm glad you asked--although you may not be. . . The song Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy has the repeated line "She wants to dance like Uma Thurman." According to the interwebs (and they can't say anything that's not true [that's sarcasm, ya'll]), that line refers to Uma Thurman's character in Pulp Fiction in which she leads John Travolta's character dancing. The song is all about strong women, like Uma Thurman's characters in Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. Pretty much NOT Ulla.
So what's misunderheard here? The opening line is repeated throughout the song which is where my confusion comes. The song is about dancing like Uma Thurman, right? So the first line is "I can move now, dance", right? Nope. The line is "I can move mountains." Here this whole time I thought he was trying to say he can dance--in other words, he can keep up with a strong woman who wants to dance like Uma Thurman.
The long and short of it is this: he can move mountains, she wants to dance.