Hunting Down strongholds of the faith and pointing out when something stinks.
Since Old Testament times, God’s faithful followers used flags to praise Him and proclaim His victories. Recapture that majesty with our NEW Flags for Praise and Worship.
“The Life Cycle of an Idea” by David A. Roach
1. The ignorant superstition of naked unwashed savages.
2. Outrageous blasphemy, and an affront to all which is right and holy.
3. Dangerously reckless speculation, but there may be a grain of fact in it somewhere.
4. Well, the obvious truth: so transparently self-evident, even a child could see it!
5. The commonly accepted explanation, true in most situations, but on very close inspection there are some serious loopholes.
6. Traditional and conventional lore, but to be honest about it, we just stick with it because nothing better has been formulated.
7. Obsolete thinking, pretty much discredited in enlightened circles, although a few die-hard supporters of the notion can be found.
8. Hilarious hokum, but the imbecilic delusions of by-gone days teach a broader
lesson: it is unwise to accept anything, no matter how plausible, at face value.9. The ignorant superstition of naked unwashed savages.
Nativity Scene Picture Frame is an inspirational gift of love.
Nativity Scene Picture Frame features a 3-D Christmas tree with a nativity scene in the front and a Christmas scripture on the base. The Christmas scripture reads, "...A Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11" The Christmas red picture frame fits snugly into the side of the 3-D Christmas tree with nativity scene and is held firmly by a magnet. Both the picture frame and Christmas tree with nativity scene can be displayed separately, too. This unique Nativity Scene Picture Frame for an inspirational Christmas gift will become a family
keepsake.I suppose I shouldn't complain: At least they mentioned that Christ is the