I'm all for vaccination. I don't want my child to get Whooping Cough or Polio. I'm undecided, however, on vaccinating my daughter for HPV. I don't want to give her another reason to decide that sexual promiscuity is acceptable. Let's get this straight: the HPV vaccine does not prevent cervical cancer. It prevents HPV, and it's good only for 5 years. What are we saying, "Go for it girls, you have five years to go at it?" Now we have even more encouragement for sexual promiscuity with the availablity of the HPV vaccine to males. (In this area, Planned Parenthood is offering it to boys as young as 9.) Males are little more than carriers of HPV, so we're vaccinating men to prevent disease in women. Does this make sense? Here's where education comes in. Don't spread it, and it won't spread.
Call me delusional, and unrealistic. People will be people and have sex, right? Make love, not war and all that sexual revolution garbage? The HPV vaccine helps save lives. We want people to be safe. We ban transfats and make vaccines, but we don't get to the root of the problem. Maybe a future First Lady will work to fight out-of-wedlock sex the way the current First Lady is working to fight childhood obesity (which is an important goal, don't get me wrong).
We all nod and say smoking, drinking, transfats are bad and are health risks, but how many people say "free love" (read sex whenever with whomever) falls in the same category? We have vaccines and pills for that, and if not we can yank out whatever "tissue" we don't want. When are we going to face the fact that there is massive fallout from the sexual revolution? When tween boys and girls are getting vaccinated for an STD, shouldn't someone besides a few blogger admit there's a problem? Go, get your shots if you want. I think I'll try the actual parenting approach and actually teach my daughter what scripture says: Thou shalt not commit adultery, meaning, monagomy is the only acceptable option, sex is limited to the marriage, and anything else is hazardous to one's mental and physical health and, yes, immoral and improper for a child of God.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
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Have you been living under a rock? Free love of the 60s ended with the coming of AIDS, wake up.
My mother used this same argument against vaccination for german measles. It was a flawed argument. I think if your daughter is smart she won't consider it as licence to get out and have sex for 5 years. If she did that would be more to do with your parenting than the vaccination.
Hey BO, came across your blog by accident. Karoline, I think you've been living under a rock. Read the book, Unhooked. If as you say, the sexual revolution of the 60s has ended, then why is it that what we used to call, "the first base" in the 60s is now called, "a head job" by teenagers. Why is it that many female college students take pictures of guys they meet in bars so in the morning they can remember whom they had slept with the night before since they were too wasted. You know what's so sad—I say this as a man—the only thing this so called, "sexual freedom" era has offered is the freedom for many men to continue to be irresponsible pigs who subjugate woman, get them pregnant and dump them because many women bought into this pile of crap.
Amen! I complete agree. It is not the answer, it is a bandaid. It is less than the best.
It isn't even about whether our daughters will use it as a license to be sexually active. It is about secular society and poor answers for big issues.
It is about teaching our children that you won't find the answers in this world for spiritual problems.
Lisa Q
i am not agreed with your comments becoz what we are doing ?? why we breading like the animals please stop your childrens to get sexual education Its END is very wrong...,
check it out ...
I would actually like to commend you on your choice to educate your daughter! However, you may want to consider the idea that getting her the vaccination is not just giving her a license to be promiscuous. If you educate her about the risks of unprotected sex, the emotional damage that can be done by entering into a sexual relationship when she is too young, and the satisfaction that comes with being in love and secure in a relationship, then you needn't worry about her looking at a vaccination as an excuse to sleep around. But eventually, your daughter will fall in love, and will give herself to someone. And that someone may not have been educated about sex. He may not have had great parents, or a spiritually sound upbringing. With the pressure put on young men to "score" he will very likely not be coming into a relationship with your daughter as a virgin. It is for these reasons that you should protect your daughter by getting her the vaccination! There are at least 40 types of HPV, and HPV can be passed on without the knowledge of either partner. Nearly 50% of all sexually active people in the U.S. have some form of HPV, and people need not have had more than one partner to contract HPV. Not to put too fine a point on it, but intercourse is not the only way in which one may contract HPV, if you catch my drift. In women, HPV can cause cancer of the vulva, cervix, vagina, anus, head, tongue, tonsils, and throat. In rare cases, a woman with HPV can actually pass it on to her unborn child. Getting her the vaccination can protect her and her future children from her future husband's possible mistakes.
wow great info well i saw some information about the same is
check this ...reply mee
Hello. I stumbled across your blog and read this post. I completely agree. Have you ever heard of Theology of the body? It is AMAZING at talking about our sexuality and the what and whys about our sexuality. Here are some links that show a little of what it is about. Completely changed my life. :)
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