When I think of the I-35 bridge collapse in Minnesota, I next think of Issues, Etc. I know; it sounds like an odd connection. The bridge collapsed one week to the day I drove under it coming back from a live broadcast of Issues, Etc. at University Lutheran Chapel near the campus of the University of Minnesota. Now, while still odd, it makes a little more sense.
Not to trivialize the tragedy of the bridge by any means, nor to disrespect the families who lost their loved ones; I do see some similarities.
A corroded infrastructure led to a collapse. There was a public outcry, and rebuilding began again. The bridge collapsed, they investigated, rebuilt, and are now moving on. Issues, Etc. went off the air, they protested, started over, and are now moving on.
When the bottom falls out, what can one do?
There is never a returning to normal. There is learning from what has happened. There is moving forward with a new sense of not taking anything for granted. There is a fresh reminder that God is in control, even if things are out of control.
I think the more complete analogy is when looking at Issues, Etc., there was a corroding of it's foundation, support mechanism, namely the LC-MS. Her theology and fractured doctrine and practice lead to a despising of the "Christ centered-Cross focused" theology of Issues, Etc., so the powers that be pulled the rug out from under them. The interesting thing though is that unlike the bridge, who's traffic was halted for a year, "Issues'" proclamation continued on through personal blogs, the Wittenberg Trail, and several other venues. Issues never was really "gone". But yes, now they are back. Moving on, yes, but also moving forward with a true proclamation of the Gospel, and exposing the false teachings harbored by some within our synod. God bless those who lost loved ones in the bridge collapes. God bless those who hear the Word of God for "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ."
So true. You said it better than I tried to.
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