I have seen this posting at various blogs: here, here, here, and here; and I began asking myself whom would I list (provided I was cool enough to be tagged—not gonna happen)? What five people, past or present, inspire your spiritual life? Part of the initial instructions for this meme indicates that Jesus is assumed, so you don’t need to list Him. Ditto for Luther, if you’re a Lutheran.
First, I had to look up meme. Did you know it’s not in Webster’s Dictionary? I looked it up on Oxford Online. It deals with that which is imitated. Okay, moving on.
Whom would I list? I first thought of the pastor who confirmed me. As much as I liked him and his family and the fact that I did all my confirmation homework and all—based on the number of dancing Snoopies (Snoopys? How do you spell the plural of Snoopy?) drawn in my catechism, I would have to say that rules him out.
I suppose I could mention Pastor Todd Wilken and Dr. Gene Edward Veith, who have lately helped me hone my weltanschaaung (world outlook) through their work in radio and print media.
I guess it comes down to these people; I am not sure if I can come up with five.
1. My husband: He will discuss theology with me when I ask. He humors me when I ask him to bring home his Leviticus commentary so that I can study up for Wednesday morning Bible class at work. I know he knows way more than I ever will, but he’s still willing to explain it to me and correct me if I am wrong.
2. Pastor Norm Hanan and his wife Mary: These two wonderful people helped us transition from seminary to parish and put up with our horror stories. They listened, advised, prayed for us, let us (me!) cry on their shoulders when we needed to, and reminded us that the congregation members are sheep. I can’t say enough about them.
3. Pastor Henry Gerike: Some people may find this an interesting choice, but I say he has influenced me much. There are many things that he has taught anyone who has been in his choir about singing, hymnody, liturgy, people who write hymns, and scripture. In addition to these things, he has taught me more about being an organist. It’s a double bonus.
Hmmm. . . I can’t think of anyone else exclusively. Even the people listed above have inspired more than just my spiritual life; therefore, some may say they don’t count.
Maybe it’s just that many people have inspired me and influenced my life, and these are ones who stick out. Maybe I should say a few more thanks to the people who have shaped me thus far: Mrs. Mills for teaching me in high school how to be a college student; Mr. Wait for teaching me that choir is more than singing and for giving me a chance; Mr. Golden for everything, even picking on me; Pastor Chase for introducing me to a scary document—the Humanist Manifesto—it is influenced my perception on the clash between faith and postmodernism; the Higher Things folks (why didn't somebody think of it when I was in high school?) whose conferences have taught me much; and for Dr. Ronald Feuerhahn for having influenced many of the people who have impacted my life.
If you didn’t make an honorable mention, don’t feel left out, for I see the academy people off stage telling me that my three minutes are up and they will cut off the microphone shor. . .
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